January 17, 2025
A new user experience is coming to the Hays USD 489, KS school app. Have the information you need at your fingertips. Tap the book icon to log in and instantly view all your ...

August 25, 2024
-K-1 parents will pick up students in the inside lane of the Roosevelt driveway (closest to sidewalk) OR they can also be picked up in the back of the school. -Any family wi...

August 25, 2024
-Parents drop off in the front only. -Bus drops off in the back only. -All students will be dropped off at the main entrance. -There will be staff out front to ass...

March 12, 2020
USD 489 Families,
We continue to monitor the latest information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19). With three confirmed cases in Johnson County Kansas, we want all families to be...

March 6, 2020
The Roosevelt Roadrunner has a name! Students generated names in each of their classes. That long list of suggestions was narrowed down by staff votes. This week, the students ...

March 6, 2020
Congratulations to the students selected by their classroom teachers as LEADERs for the month of February. They were celebrated today by special seating in the cafeteria and a sp...

January 22, 2020
After twenty-two spellbinding rounds, Roosevelt named the 2019-2020 finalists who advance to the Ellis County Bee on February 6th. Congratulations to: *Abbigail Conley (5th grade) ...

January 10, 2020
Congratulations to the students chosen as LEADERs for the month of December who will be recognized at lunch with a special seat and treat. We are proud of these kiddos for leading ...

December 7, 2019
It is with great elation that we congratulate Misty Lohmeyer on the successful completion of her Natioal Board Certification! This grueling process requires teachers to dig deep in...

December 6, 2019
These students were picked this month for being respectfuL, honEst, compAssionate, inDependent, and motivatEd Roadrunners. LEADERs are recognized at lunch & they just may have a s...

October 29, 2019
September LEADERs were recognized at a special table in the cafeteria on October 4th. These students were selected by their teachers as exemplifying our Guidelines for Success – ...

October 24, 2019
On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, Roosevelt will host the 9th Annual Veteran's Dinner. This event, organized by PE Teacher Gay Flax and her committee, has become an important tradi...

October 11, 2019
2nd grade students worked hard to build their own little community. Each student picked a part of the community and then created their version. What a great way to learn about the...

September 16, 2019
Roosevelt students strive to learn and live five main character traits, our Guidelines for Success – respectfu L , hon E st, comp A ssionate, in D ependent, and motivat E...